Jurinea cyanoides is a plant from Eastern Europe and Southern Siberia. The
occurrences in Middle Europe are isolated from the main range. Maybe, they are
relicts of the glacial periods. The plants grow in open vegetation on sandy soil
and open pine forests.
Our plants are from Dessau (Saxony-Anhalt).
Biology and growth
The plants are summer-green perennials. The form a so-called pleiocorm (caudex),
i.e. lateral shoots formed at the top of the main root/base of the first shoot.
They do, however, not separate and may not grow as independent plants. The plants form
root shoots, too. Seed set is sufficient.
Seeds are sown in late autumn in cold frames. Higher germination rates were
obtained if the fruit get frost. Germination of untreated seeds in the greenhouse
is not very successful. We use poor garden soil for growing the plants. Pots are
kept not too wet.
Places of conservation
Plants are in the Botanical Gardens of Halle and at the Kapenmühle (Biosphere reserve:
Mittlere Elbe).
Meusel, H., Jäger, E. (1992): Vergleichende Chorologie der zentraleuropäischen
Flora. Vol. 3. Fischer, Jena (distribution map).
Text (c) Botanischer Garten Halle: J. Böttcher, F. Ebel,
H.-G. Fuhrmann, M. H. Hoffmann, 2007.
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