Turgenia latifolia (L.) Hoffm.

Turgenia latifolia is a plant from the Mediterranean region and Middle Asia that has its northern boundary in Germany. It grows on extensively used fields on limestone.

Biology and growth
The plants are winter annuals, i.e. they germinate in autumn und flower next spring. They produce a sufficient large amount of seeds that germinate good.

Seeds are sown in late autumn in the cold frame or in a moderately heated greenhouse. Later seedlings are transplanted into pots with a diameter of 10 cm. The soil is then ordinary garden soil. The pots are watered not too much.

Places of conservation
Plants are in the Botanical Gardens of Halle and at the Kapenmühle (Biosphere reserve: Mittlere Elbe), at the Fachhochschule Erfurt and at a natural place.

Meusel, H., Jäger, E., Rauschert, S., Weinert, E. (1978): Vergleichende Chorologie der zentraleuropäischen Flora. Vol. 2. Fischer, Jena (distribution map).

Text (c) Botanischer Garten Halle: J. Böttcher, F. Ebel, H.-G. Fuhrmann, M. H. Hoffmann, 2007.
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